St Leonard Middleton

News - 4 Jun 2023


Issued Thursday 8th June 2023


Sunday Services in church 10.30am

(unless otherwise stated)

11th June  Holy Communion and God's Squad

18th June  9.00am BCP Holy Communion / 10.30am All Age Service

25th June  Morning worship and God's Squad

2nd July  All Age Service  /  3.00pm  Confirmation Service 

Please join us for refreshments after the 10.30am services 

Download a copy of news sheet


"Nothing can ever separate us from God's love; death can't, and life can't; our fears for today, our worries for tomorrow; nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God, demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us."  Romans 8, vv 38-39


GIVING AT ST LEONARD'S:  We are very grateful to all those who already give to the work of God at St Leonard's through standing order, envelope, or the offertory plate at the back of Church. Giving expresses our love for God, and responds to God's generosity to us. It is part of our worship, week by week. We now provide two further ways in which we can offer our gifts to God in Church. To enable giving by card, there will be a digital giving device at the back of Church. Please use on your way in or out of Church. To enable cash giving, we have resumed the passing of the offertory plate in Church during the final hymn. If you would like any further information about giving, please speak to Andrew Slim (our Treasurer) or Moira Brennan (our Administrator).


CONFIRMATION: the Confirmation Service - with Bishop Mark - is being hosted by St Leonard's for our Mission Community on Sunday 2nd July at 3.00pm. Refreshments will be served, and there will be a retiring collection. The wardens would be grateful to receive offers of help to set up and serve the refreshments. If anyone would like to donate individual portions of "afternoon tea" type confectionery, then please do so: these can be brought to Church at the morning service (at 10.30am) or prior to 3.00pm. Thank you!


ARCHDEACON'S VISITATION SERVICE.   This annual Service is to be held on Wednesday 28th June at 7.30pm, and this year St Leonard's is hosting the occasion. Wardens, PCC Members, Sidespersons/Welcomers are invited to attend and be formally 'sworn in' for the role each has agreed as stated at the recent Annual Meeting ("APCM"). Please make every effort to join colleagues from across the Deanery. A collection will be made during the Service, and refreshments will be served at its conclusion. The Wardens would be grateful to receive offers of help to set up and serve the refreshments. Thank you!


SAFEGUARDING If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact our Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators, Ann Connell & Sarah Jennings.  0161 643 2693


ST LEONARD'S CHURCH HISTORY: Once again, the Church will be open on most Friday afternoons (1.00pm to 4.00pm) through to September for visitors to come and find out about the 1,000 year history of our Church building, and the famous people involved with it. Church history guides will be on hand on those days. Also, if you are trying to find more about your family history, we will be able to guide you to any family grave in the surrounding churchyard.


BRENTWOOD DAY CENTRE: Brentwood (Middleton Day Centre) is at 115 Long Street, M24 6DL; telephone 0161 655 4062. St Leonard's has been supporting Brentwood for a long time, and they are now looking to recruit members to their Management Committee Board. Can you spare a few hours each month to attend meetings, give your input, and indicate any roles you may be interested in within the Committee? Please feel free to contact Brentwood to have a look around and/or to obtain an information pack and application form. Brentwood is open Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 3.00pm and they look forward to hearing from you. They are a Registered Charity (no. 1004389) and a Company limited by guarantee (no 23331404). Brentwood does a lot more than offer food to those in need within our community, but the provision of food is an essential and much needed part of what they do. They are so grateful for everything we donate to them, so please continue to help with: cereals, coffee, tinned vegetables/potatoes, tinned soups, corned beef/meats, baked beans, anything to make a basic meal. Also: winter clothing, hats, scarves, jumpers, socks, gloves, blankets, quilts, bedding. We have leaflets and newsletters in Church about Brentwood, and you can also visit to learn more. Please leave any items on the bench as you come into Church, either for a Sunday sevice or during office hours (Monday to Thursday).


JACK WILSON MEMORIAL WALK AND PLAQUE   Many of you will remember Jack Wilson, his love of walking and leading walks through Alkrington Woods. On Saturday 8th July, a memorial plaque will be placed on the bridge in Alkrington Woods known as "Jack's Bridge". There will be a walk in his memory, starting at 10.00am and Katarina would like to invite our congregation and anyone who knew Jack to be a part of it. The bridge is very close to the entry to Alkrington Woods from the roundabout across from Middleton Bus Station. For more information, please speak to Katarina in Church or Moira in the Parish Office.


ANNIVERSARY ALERT    2024 marks the 500th anniversary of the extending of St Leonard's Church by Sir Richard Assheton to commemorate the English victory at the Battle of Flodden in 1513. We would like to celebrate this occasion with a weekend of activities designed to encourage people to visit our Church. If you have any suggestions about what activities we might offer, and/or would like to help with the organisation, please speak to Margaret Slim (07709 577128 / 0161 653 0993) or Dorothy Taylor (0161 653 8577) ASAP.


PARENTS / GUARDIANS !!    Church of England Secondary Schools require 'points' to enable your child to attend that school. Regularly attending our God's Squad helps to accumulate those points, but to make sure that sufficent weeks are covered there will be a registration sheet at the entrance of Church on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. Please ensure that your child is booked in.


CLEANING TEAM:  if you feel that you could support this amazing service to our Church, please do get in touch. We clean - usually in the evening - twice a month on a Monday. We would love to see you: many hands make light work!  Contact Dawn via 0161 642 2693




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