St Leonard Middleton


SUNDAY SERVICES IN CHURCH 10:30am (unless otherwise stated)


28th July All Age Service

4th August All Age Service

11th August Holy Communion and All Age Service

18th August  9.00am BCP Holy Communion / 10.30am All Age Service

Please join us for refreshments after the 10:30am service


SMALL GROUPS: we are hoping to start some small groups from September. Each small group will be a bit different, but we will meet - probably fortnightly - to get to know one another, to grow in faith and study the Bible and - of course - to have some fun! If you're interested, please sign the registration form at the back of Church.



Giving expresses our love for God and responds to God’s generosity to us. It is part of our worship week by week. There is a digital giving device at the back of church for card/contactless giving. Please use on your way in or out of church. It is simple to use, and a quick cost-effective method for us to collect your offertory giving.  The offertory plate will continue to be passed in church, but if you are able, please use the digital device instead. You may also give online at:



Prayer is the bedrock of all that we do. God hears every prayer, and through Him our prayers have power. Here at St Leonard's, we have a Prayer Tree and we encourage everybody to use this. A work situation, world events, family matters, community, sickness and any worries you are carrying. The Prayer Tree is located on the right hand side as you enter Church; labels are there for you to write your prayers and hang them on the Tree. Each month, the Prayer Tree will be taken to the front of Church and a collective prayer offered. Your prayers can be anonymous - God knows! God hears more than we say, and answers more than we imagine - in His Time, and in His way. Please use the Prayer Tree.



If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact our Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators Ann Connell and Sarah Jennings.



C of E Secondary Schools require ‘points’ to enable your child to attend that school.  Regularly attending our God’s Squad helps to accumulate those points but to make sure sufficient weeks are covered there will be a registration sheet at the entrance of church every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday.  Please ensure your child is booked in.



CHURCH OPENING: the Church is now open to visitors (and guides are on hand) on Fridays, 1.00pm to 4.00pm until September




Brentwood (Middleton Day Centre, 115 Long Street M24 6DL, 0161 655 4062).

Brentwood are desperately in need of canned goods - outlined below.

Brentwood does a lot more than offer food to those in need within our community, but it is an essential and much-needed part of all that they do. They are so grateful for everything we donate to them; please continue to help with: cereals; coffee; tins of corned beef and potatoes;carrots, peas, beans, tuna, tomatoes, soups - anything to make a basic meal. 

We have leaflets and newsletters in church about Brentwood, please take one, or go online: 

Please leave items on the bench as you come into Church (during office hours if you can't make Sunday)



Our Diocesan Prayer of Thanksgiving and Hope


Living and Loving God, as your pilgrim people in the Manchester Diocese,

we thank you for the great commission with which you have entrusted us:

to love and serve, and to bring our parishes, schools, chaplaincies, and all our communities into new life in Jesus Christ.


Through your abundant love, lead us into your Kingdom and grant us the trust

 to follow you; meet our weariness, our griefs and fears, with your tender and comforting Spirit that we may greet the promise of each new day with joy and trust.


Teach us to pray in faith, hope and love, that we may go out into your world

confident in your wondrous mission and full of the Good News of Jesus Christ.



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BAPTISMS:  We welcome into the family of the Church:  28th July   Olivia Kanolty and Leon Perrelli

WEDDINGS:  There are no weddings to record during July

FUNERALS:  We thank God for the life of:  2nd July   Les Miller

Kathleen Miller appreciates all the good wishes received and the many people who attended the funeral of Les Miller; it has been a great help through this trying time.
































News - 4 Jun 2023

Weekly news sheet

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